Our Products

Loan Management System


  • Efficient workflows
    Clean up the back office with efficiency-focused workflows
  • Automated underwriting
    Helps you to make faster consumer loan decisions
  • Mobile loan applications
    Providing a convenient loan application experience for your customers
  • Flexible analytics
    A complete end-to-end solution tailored to the needs of you and your customer
  • Reduce tasks
    Automated processes help your lending team spend more time with customers

Key Features

Customer management streamlining

  • Customizable promo site
  • Customer profiles
  • Loan application
  • Multiple languages UI support

Marketing management

  • Leads generators pairing
  • Promo codes and notifications,
  • Referral program
  • Personal discounts
  • Lead management and calls tracking

Business operations management

  • Multi-company management
  • Multiple payment systems support
  • Extensive credit products settings
  • Products with recurring payment settings support
  • Customizable business analytics

Underwriting and risk management

  • Credit history providers integration
  • Antifraud, customizable blacklists
  • Automated decision support system
  • Internal scoring system capable of consuming 3-rd party score providers

Customer Service and Legal management

  • Customer complaints processing
  • Easily customizable agreement templates
  • E-mails/SMS/calls automation
  • Integration with IP-telephony

Debt Collection Management

  • Acquired loans management
  • Automated loans organizing in customizable portfolios
  • Customizable loans restructuring


  • PCI DSS compliant
  • Role based access control
  • Extensive logging

Company Products

Quick facts

  • 35 000
    Loans issued
  • 400 000
    Registered Users
  • 8 min
    Avg application time
  • 2 months
    Deployment time
  • 99.999%
    System uptime
Forika Software

Flexible solution architecture and service delivery

Inhouse Support


Integration API


On Premises

Deployment team


Outsourced Support

A common portal with online reporting forms

Reporting Expenses

  • Available to everyone 24/7
  • With clear and strict, role-based security and access rules
  • Available on mobile devices and smartphones
  • Report forms based on local (country) regulation

A common portal with online reporting forms

Print form

  • Specific views designed for printing
  • Print all with just one click
  • Language-specific and country-specific forms and be designed
  • Some parts of documents can be visible or not depending on employee country and report type

Company Products

The process

  • Task list can be synchronized with Outlook
  • Automated notifications
  • Summary reminders for non-completed reports or approvals
  • Brief report information in task details
  • Approval from mobile devices
  • Approval delegation

Creating a report

Approval of the report / purchase

Printing Documents

Exchange of information with accounting software

Checking / payment in accounting
