IT projects in the field of finance, procurement, business analysis systems

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We focus on bringing quality and affordable Ukrainian IT expertise to global community

Founded in 2020 by ex Microsoft UA Services Lead and a Financial Markets expert


and support for specialized systems

We focus on bringing quality and affordable

Ukrainian IT expertise to global community

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Building fast websites

Google and SEO requirements

We focus on bringing quality and affordable

Ukrainian IT expertise to global community

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in various areas of IT

We focus on bringing quality and affordable

Ukrainian IT expertise to global community

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domain expertise

We focus on bringing quality and affordable

Ukrainian IT expertise to global community

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Reliable IT solutions - image

Business Support

Reliable IT solutions that will allow you to confidently go to success

Fortica products provide speed, professionalism and flexibility, necessary for your team to scale quickly and keep your processes running smoothly.

  • Business domain expertise
  • Consulting areas
  • Software development outsourcing proposal
  • IT Personnel search


Active Clients


Completed projects


Ready Projects


Happy customers

Our Opportunities

Technical focus

Frontend - icon


HTML/CSS/JS, Vue.js, React, Aurelia, Angular, Typescript, Node.js + everything connected to front end development: assemblers, task runners, preprocessors, templates.

Backend - icon


.NET, .NET Core, C#, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Web Api, MVC, MS SQL Server, LINQ, Entity Framework, Laravel, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Cosmos DB, Hangfire

PowerBI - icon


PowerBI, MS Analysis Services, Data Modelling, Data Migration, Data Mining/ML

Microsoft SharePoint - icon


Microsoft SharePoint, PowerApps/ PowerFlow, Office 365 Extensions

Azure Storages - icon


Azure Storages, Azure Functions, AppInsights, AutoMapper, CQRS, Unit

Azure DevOps - icon


Azure DevOps, Gitlab CE, Terraform (+ Terragrunt ), Ansible, Docker, Apache, Nginx, DNS


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On Premises

Servers, On Premises: Servers, Blades, Networks, SAN, NAS, etc.


VMware vSphere, VMware vCloud , VMware NSX)


Azure, AWS, Google

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